LABEL 3 - San Peïre beach in Les Issambres
First aid station nearby
Surveillance period: from 01/07/19 to 30/08/19
Number of Handiplagist: 3
Handiplagists' attendance times: Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:00
Number of MNS: 3
Other support: no

LABEL 4 - The beach of the Base Nature in Fréjus
First aid station nearby
Monitoring period: from 26/06/17 to 03/09/17
Number of Handiplagist: 3
Other support: 1 + 3 occasional handiplagist assistants. June-July and August: and 15h/18h (Monday to Saturday), 9h/13h (Sunday and public holidays) On Sunday the tiralo remains available to users at the emergency station at 100m.

LABEL 4 - La plage de l'Escale in Agay (Saint-Raphaël)
First aid station nearby
Monitoring period: 07/06/19 to 22/09/19
Number of Handiplagist: 3
Handiplagists' attendance times: Monday to Sunday: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm Saturday: 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Number of MNS: 2
Other support: no